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Welcome to the Wow Sinks FAQ page!

Here you'll find answers to common questions about our products, services, and policies. If you can't find the information you're looking for, please don't hesitate to contact us at


General Questions

Our products are made from premium Porcelain, sourced from the best factories in Italy and Spain. Ensuring durability, elegance and sustainability.

Yes, our products are designed to enhance both residential bathrooms and commercial spaces, offering luxury and functionality for any setting.

Yes at Wow Bespoke we specialise in bringing your custom dreams to life! Please head over the to contact section to enquire.

Generally, we recommend using mild, non-abrasive cleaners and soft cloths to maintain the beauty and finish of our products.

Orders can be placed directly through our website at Simply add your desired products to your cart and follow the checkout process.

We accept all major credit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, and American Express, as well as PayPal and Klana.

Delivery times vary depending on your location and the specific product ordered. Generally, orders within the UK are delivered within 3- 4 weeks due to the bespoke nature of our products.

Due to the bespoke nature of our products returns must be completed within 48 hours of receiving your product.

There is a tolerance of up-to 5mm on all Bespoke products.

Yes, our products come with a 2-year warranty against manufacturing defects. This warranty does not cover damage caused by misuse, improper installation, or normal wear and tear.

To initiate a return or warranty claim, please contact our customer service team at with in 48 hours of reciving your order, with your order details and a description of the issue.

Support and Contact

You can reach our customer service team by emailing We aim to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours.

Yes, we have a shop where you can view our products in person. Detailed product descriptions and high-quality images are also available on our website for your convenience.

We hope this FAQ page has been helpful. For any further questions or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for choosing Wow Sinks!